Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sodom and Goyourmomam.

I realized that the hole in my heart was not due to Katy's absence, but instead due to the lack of Sripraphai Thai in my stomach. Who knew?

Last night I played beer pong for the first time in my life. Appropriately I was with 3 other people from high school in Virginia. It was an interesting game and I'm pretty sure we played it wrong, but in the end we won because we all got drunk. My team lost, mostly because Reema's a useless douchebag. DOUCHEBAG!

Also, I am going to visit Melissa in St. Thomas in November I think. I could visit Katy, but she's in England. Who goes there? I will, just not in Novemeber. England's not lovely in November.. though.. England's never lovely, which is why I'm from there.

This post is inspired by a rapidly receding hangover.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Remembrance of Things Past

Katy is no longer in New York. There is a hole in my heart, a hole caused by a lack of stolen soft cheese and whole foods burritos.

My last memory of Katy is of her waiting for a downtown train while I waited for an uptown train on a separate platform. Her train got their first and I imagined it careening off the tracks and killing her.

I have the strange desire to eat a leapord slug. I imagine they are good.

I think I had a sardine on my caesar salad on Sunday. I'm not sure what it was, but it was long and slimy and on top of my salad, so maybe it was leapord slug.